Category: Denmark

Vestas Wind Systems A/S

Vestas Wind Systems A/S

  Alsvej 21    
  8900 Randers    
  Tel.: +45 97 30 00 00    
  Fax: +45 97 30 00 01

While people all over the world are wondering how future energy resources can keep up with dramatically increasing energy consumption and the resulting explosion in CO2 emissions, Vestas has based their strategy on making wind energy the preferred supplement to conventional energy sources. Not only for their own business reasons, but to a great extent for the sake of the environment and society.

Modern energy

With a 23 per cent market share, Vestas is the world’s leading supplier of modern energy solutions. They have installed more than 35,000 wind turbines in 63 countries on five continents. And they install an average of one wind turbine every four hours, twenty-four hours a day. In fact, their wind turbines generate more than 60 million MWh of energy a year – or enough electricity to supply millions of households. Over the past 25 years they have succeeded in improving the generator effect of our wind turbines by a factor of 100 – and they are still striving to do even better.

That is one of the reasons many say that Vestas is No. 1 in modern energy.

The Will to Win

No. 1 in Modern Energy is much more than a payoff. It is about new ways of thinking. It is about self-perception and the need and ability to create a strong culture that is moving in the right direction. A culture with committed and dynamic people who all have a burning desire to implement their strategy and achieve their goals, and who are prepared to compete on equal terms with the big multinational producers of conventional forms of energy. They have followed The Will to Win strategy since 2005 – and it will take them to the end of 2008.


As the market leader, Vestas has a responsibility to maintain and expand wind power and modern energy as a real supplement to oil and gas.

They know that wind cannot replace oil and gas. Vestas has always said: wind must go hand in hand with oil and gas to ensure the world’s rising energy consumption is also met in the future – without increasing the greenhouse gas emissions. The solution is not to generate energy at the expense of future generations. On the contrary, it is about covering demand without creating more pollution and waste.

The world has a choice, but time is running out.
Many people view nuclear energy and clean coal technology as sustainable alternatives because, like wind power, they do not emit greenhouse gases. But there are downsides to these resources too: Radioactive waste, high production cost and an enormous consumption of pure water – something already in short supply in many parts of the world. Wind power is a clean, stable and renewable source of energy. That is why Vestas would like wind power to be viewed on par with oil and gas. Wind power is the right choice.


As the market leader, Vestas has a big responsibility for initiating a new and sustainable agenda. It calls for quick and accurate decisions twenty-four hours a day, using our hearts and our minds.

At Vestas they always try to predict what might go wrong before it does. If a potential risk is already factored into a decision process, it will be manageable. By thinking in terms of risks, Vestas avoids making mistakes by thinking things through. One in three of the world’s wind turbines – or 35,000 in total – has been installed by Vestas. So that is a responsibility Vestas as a company needs to live up to.